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6 Important Pet Safety Tips for the Fall Season

Benjamin F. • October 14, 2023

With Fall right around the corner, there are a few environmental changes that you should be aware of, both within your household and outside in nature. Just as the falling leaves mark seasonal change, don’t be surprised to find that your pet’s needs may change as well during this time of year. Let’s prepare for the end of the year with some need-to-know pet safety tips for the Fall season!

Pet Safety Tips to Keep in Mind During the Fall Season

There are several pet risks and safety concerns you should be aware of that come around during the fall season. In the article below, you’ll find out more information about some of the most common of these, and you’ll also learn more about how to keep your pet safe and healthy when Fall rolls around.

6 pet safety tips every pet parent should know about for the Fall season are:

Avoid Mushrooms and Molds

During the fall, mushrooms grow more frequently on the ground, as do molds. This is all part of the natural cycle, but mushrooms and molds can be dangerous for pets. Dogs are sometimes especially prone to trying to eat these substances when they find them out in the yard or on a walk, so watch your dog carefully to prevent him from doing this.


If your dog does eat a mushroom or a mold, try to collect a sample of it (but be careful not to touch it with your bare hands if you can help it), and bring it to your vet. Go to the emergency vet if your regular vet is not available.


Be Extra Cautious of Snakes


During this time of year, some snakes are preparing to hibernate for the winter. They may be out hunting and looking for nourishment before this crucial time. Such circumstances may also make snakes become a bit more aggressive – this can lead to more frequent bites delivered to dogs and cats.


Research the different types of venomous snakes in your area, and when on walks (or even allowing your pet into the yard), be cautious and look closely for signs of snakes. Avoid tall grass in areas where snakes are spotted, and do not allow your dog to roam free on rocky terrain, especially on the west coast.

Pay Attention to Temperatures

Fall is a time of year when temperatures are fluctuating a lot every day. Another important pet safety tip is to pay close attention to the temperatures each day so you can make sure your pet is well prepared no matter what they might be. Keep plenty of water with you when you’re out with your pet in case the weather turns hot, and be ready to head back indoors if it becomes rainy or very cold.


Consider bringing booties along for your pet if you’ll be outside during the fall. This way, you’ll have protection for your pet’s sensitive paw pads whether the ground is very hot or very cold—and even if it rains, too!


Watch Out for Candy

With Halloween nearing, candy becomes more of a risk for pets as well. Make sure you keep candy stored carefully away from pets on a high shelf or in the refrigerator or freezer to prevent them from being able to access and eat it. Always put candy away after you’re finished eating, and don’t leave wrappers lying around either.


Chocolate is extremely dangerous for pets, but it isn’t the only risky candy. Any candy containing xylitol can be potentially fatal to animals, and other artificial sweeteners are dangerous as well. Additionally, some types of candy may pose choking hazards for pets, including gum, chewy candy, and hard candy.


Be Careful Around Decorations

As autumn approaches, so do the holidays. This is the time of year when families begin decorating for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the winter holidays too. Because of this, autumn is the time when it becomes crucial to start monitoring your pets around household decorations.

Some pets enjoy trying to chew on power cords attached to lights and other décor. Others may try to knock over or chew on decorations that could be harmful to them. And if you use candles or any scented decorations, these may pose additional risks for your pet

Watch Pets Around School Supplies

Some pets may be more likely to want to chew on school supplies than others. However, an important pet safety tip for the fall is to keep a close eye on your pet around any school supplies in your home, and try to keep these supplies stored out of your pet’s reach whenever possible.

Some items, such as glue or markers, could be toxic to pets if ingested. Others, like pencils, erasers, or paperclips, might cause bowel obstructions in some instances.

Call Us for More Pet Safety Tips for the Fall Season

Now that you’ve had a chance to look over this information, you can make sure your home is safe for your pet during the autumn months. Take this time, too, to double-check information about your pet including his health records, vaccination schedule, and more.

By setting aside a little time for pet safety needs at the beginning of fall, you can make sure your furry friend stays healthy and safe all year round. Even though fall seems like a calm and gentle month, there are a lot of areas you should focus on to be a responsible pet parent.


For more pet safety tips for the fall season, or if you encounter an emergency with your pet, contact our team at 24/7 Local Veterinarian right away. We have locations all over the country and many of them are open 24/7, so you never have to wait when it comes to knowing the best thing to do for your pet. 


Contact with your local vet for the best advise

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